Saturday, July 21, 2012

Sprinkler Troubleshooting

sprinkler with clogged nozzle

sprinkler operating correctly

sand and rock in nozzle

Another week of extreme heat and no moisture.  When the turf is only getting moisture from the sprinklers it is easy to tell which sprinklers are working correctly.  We have been finding a lot of the sprinkler nozzles are getting clogged with tiny bits of sand causing the sprinkler to not evenly distribute water.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Maintenance update

This week we vented the greens for the second time this summer.  We also verticut, and lightly topdressed them with sand, then sprayed a liquid fertilizer and fungicide on them.  During the heat of the day you are likely to see us on the greens with a hose cooling the turf.  I understand that it is no fun having to deal with maintenance workers while you are trying to play but this is a necessary task to keep the turf healthy.  Your cooperation is appreciated.

2012 Drought

Week 20 we are still dealing with the extreme drought.  In the photo above you can see the pond on #7 has completely dried up.  During this period it is extremely important to follow the golf cart enter, and exit locations.  For example keep the golf cart completly on the cart path until you reach the enter post and once you get to the enter post drive directly to the fairway (zoysia turf), then go back to the cart path once you get to the exit post.  Please DO NOT drive carts in the rough(fescue/kentucky bluegrass mix).  The cool season turf (rough) does not have irrigation and by driving on it under extreme drought conditions could kill the turf by breaking the plant at its crown.  We are trying our hardest to keep the course beautiful during this time, your help is appreciated.

Afternoon Greens Syring

Sorry this is so late, we are about to start week 22 as I am typing this. It has been an extremely hot and dry summer so we have been busy keeping the Bent grass cool with afternoon syringing. During week 19 we finished spraying all the Zoysia turf with an insecticide to control several insects/grubs.  The University of Missouri diagnostic lab has received several zoysia turf samples infected with a billbug grub which prompted the early application of insecticide.

Sunday, July 1, 2012


Week 18:  In attempt to cure the hydrophobic greens at the 1st Tee we used a machine called a HydroJect. This machine injects water into the roots about 4 inches deep.  It is a slow machine but we feel we had good success.  Also during week 18 we have been noticing Goosegrass popping up in a few areas, and because there is not a herbicide to kill the weed we are using knives to remove them.  In the bottom photo you can see Muncy and Herb removing them on No.1 Tee on the River Course.