Thursday, March 31, 2022

Spring Aerification

 Spring at Swope

(Aerification on #10)

The season is almost upon us, again. It was a mild winter, but a winter none the less. Now that average temperatures are starting to rise, our greens were ready for their bi-annual aerification. This process relieves compaction in our greens, creates ventilation to our root zone, and promotes new healthy growth of our green's turf.

(Aerification on #10)

Aerification is one of our largest projects each year, however this year we were faced with another huge issue. Our main valve to the course, located on 9's fairway, broke as we were shutting down the system in December. We expect these repairs to be difficult, but nothing prepared us for the rats nest of issues that came with this problem. After 4 days of digging, a rented jackhammer attachment, and two sore backs, the valve was succesfully replaced and the course was able to charge up our irrigation system.

(Exposing the pipe and valve fitting.)

(Josh experiencing some delirium while chipping out a concrete patio that held the old valve in place.)

(Removed concrete and existing pipe along with broken valve.)

(Putting the finishing touches on the repair.)

Besides our two massive projects, we also were able to paint and put out our enter/exit signs on the course, paint and install our ball washers, and repaired a handful of cart path pot holes. 

(Josh repairing hole on #5.)

We look forward to seeing you all on the course this season, and remember...