Tuesday, October 1, 2024


As we draw closer the the end of the 2024 golf season and start of the Swope Renovation there have been several pre-emptive steps taken to insure the success of upcoming projects. An issue we have tackled in the month of September is beginning to eradicate any poa-annua from our rough. This is a crucial process that we had to insure happened before the renovation of our greens and tee complexes as to prevent any contamination from the rough onto newly seeded areas.

To eradicate the poa-annua in our rough we implemented multiple applications of Velocity(Bispyribac-sodium) in late August/September. You will see in the images below how effective it was at taking out any existing Poa and leaving room for our new rough seed to germinate and thrive.

Once the Poa has been suppressed we were then able to seed into the soil with new cultivars of seed that will help increase not only the playability but the overall health and longevity of our rough at Swope Memorial.    


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